Our team

Edgar Saul Velasco Sánchez

Abogado autorizado para ejercer en México

  • Specialist in Intellectual Property
  • Lawyer by the University of Colima
  • 7 years of experience
  • Participation in 5 technology congresses
  • Winner of 1 International Award acceleration and 1 national award of entrepreneurship

Panagiota Kelali

Attorney licensed to practice law in the US and EU

  • Specializing in Data Protection, Privacy and Intellectual Property Law.
  • Admitted to practice in Athens (Greece), New York (USA) and the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois (USA).
  • Nonresident Fellow at Stanford Law School's Center for Internet and Society and Associate Director of the Center for Information Technology and Privacy Law at John Marshall Law School.
  • Certified privacy professional (CIPP/E)
  • Doctorate in Law by the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece), a master's degree in Community Law by the Jean Moulin Lyon III University (France), a master's degree in Information Technology and Privacy Law and a master's degree in Intellectual Property Law by the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Law

César Castillo

Abogado autorizado para ejercer en México

  • Law degree from the University of Colima
  • Specialist in commercialization of innovative knowledge by the Autonomous University of the State of Morelos
  • Master in policy and management of technological change by the Centro de Investigaciones Económicas, Administrativas y Sociales del Instituto Politécnico Nacional; master's degree in intellectual property and innovation by the University of San Andres, Argentina.
  • It has more than 10 years of experience in the field of intellectual property, holding positions in both the public and private sectors.

Oscar Javier Solorio Pérez

Abogado autorizado para ejercer en México

  • Hundreds of protected trademarks
  • Lawyer for the University of Colima; Master in Law of the Intellectual Property by the Universidad de Illinois en Chicago, USA; and Doctor in Law by the University of Guadalajara.
  • 23 years of experience

Luis Manuel Cisneros Mayoral

Accounting Associate

  • Certified Public Accountant for the university of Colima
  • Master in taxation by UNIVA campus Colima
  • 12 years of experience like tax accountant
  • Speaker at business chambers
  • Teacher at Univa Colima in the areas of strategic tax planning, tax law


José Alejandro Casarrubias Centeno

UI/UX Web Designer

  • Graduated from the University of Colima
  • 5 years of experience designing websites, digital interfaces, logos and editing images and videos for companies and freelancers.
  • I have worked in 65 projects different for a total of 45 customers
  • My goal as a web designer is combining creativity with functionalityto deliver projects that will captivate and convert visitors into satisfied customers.


Sebastián González Zepeda

Computer Systems Engineer

  • More than 35 projects completed
  • Master of Science in Computer Science, specializing in Distributed Systems and Geospatial Information.
  • 23 years of experience




Eduardo Valtierra Padrón

Partner of the Bajainnova region

  • Electronics and Telecommunications Engineer and Master in
    Business Administration.
  • He has collaborated with multinational companies such as: KODAK, MOTOROLA
    Communications, MOTOROLA Semiconductors and at INTEL Corp.. as first Chief Executive Officer in Mexico and Central America.
  • He has been successful founder of his own projects in Mexico and the United States.of Manufacturing and Marketingas well as Innovation and Technology Transfer.
  • He currently serves as:
    General Manager of BAJAINNOVA of which he is a founding partner, a company focused on the Evaluation, Management, Protection, Investment and Commercialization of Technology.

Valeria Rodríguez Carrillo

Degree in Public Administration and Political Science

  • Graduate of the University of Colima
  • Technical Studies in Media and Communications
  • 5 years of experience in customer service
  • Student of the LAW CAREER in the Atemajac Valley University (UNIVA).
  • Internship in Municipal DIF of Colima in the Legal Area.
  • Internship in the Secretary of Welfare of Mexico.
  • Internship at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with participation in customer service and administrative areas.

Edgar Giovanny Marquez Zuñiga

Bachelor's degree in public administration and political science.

  • Graduated from the University Of Colima
  • 4 years of experience in customer service.
  • Diploma in "Mexican Political Systems".. Awarded by La Chamber of Deputies of the Honorable Congress of the Union and Political Disruptive.
  • Diploma in integral political training "democracy, dignity and revolution". granted by Political Disruptive.